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Boxer Lovers partners with several organizations that offer programs for the community to support their favorite non profit

Link your rewards card to your favorite nonprofit - that's us. We are listed as Boxer Rescue of Idaho. Every time you shop don't forget to use your rewards card!! Fred Meyer will donate a percentage of all transactions using a rewards card linked to us. How simple is that!
It cost you nothing more than what you were already going to spend shopping.
You can learn more and link your card by visiting the link below

Smith Food Stores Inspiring Donations program will donate 0.05%
of transactions using your shoppers card. It all adds up and any amount
will help us help more boxers.
You can link your card to Boxer Rescue of Idaho by visiting the link below

Support Boxer Lovers Rescue just by walking your dog.
Download the free Woof Trax app and start walking!
The more you walk, the more you can earn for your favorite nonprofit
Get started by visiting the link below

Everytime you shop online at any of the 1700+ online stores in the IGive network, a portion of the money you spend is donated to your nonprofit.
Install the IGive button to make sure you never miss an opportunity to raise funds when shopping online. Get started by visiting the link below
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